Business news portal market leader needed to increase course subscriptions sales

Learn how we were able to achieve a 102% uplifting in conversions of course subscriptions

The Challenge

Offer high added value courses to a base interested in reading the news, not in taking courses.

The Application

Smart popup

The Result

102% uplifting in conversions of business courses

The main challenge was to offer sales of high added value courses to a base interested in reading the news, not in taking courses. In addition, capturing the interests of news readers is something quite complex, as readers have different short-term (during a session) and long-term (over all accesses to the site) interests, in addition to news being relevant only for one very short period of time and the event that a given news item is accessed by a given user contains little information from a news point of view, as users with very different interests often access very different news from each other, related to their long-term interests, only for being published at similar times, so that the list of users who accessed it is not a good characterisation of the news content.

By using Segmentor's smart popup application, client was able to achieve a 2x uplifting in course subscription sales and had a significant impact on its bottom line.