Financial services company was struggling with conversions

Learn how we were able to get an 8x uplifting in conversions by using our smart popup application

The Challenge

Client wanted to boost conversions in the midst of very shallow data

The Application

Smart popup

The Result

8x uplift in conversions and responsible for 30% of overall conversions

Extract intelligence in scenarios with little data depth, such as, for example, when most traffic is obtained through promotional campaigns and directed to landing pages, with little organic navigation by users on the site , is an extremely challenging task.

However. even equipped only with contextual data and source of traffic, Segmentor was able to identify personas with high precision, ensuring the delivery of the most appropriate messages - and at the most favorable time - to customers.

Through our smart popup application, we were able to get a 8x uplifting in conversions, being responsible for almost 30% of all website conversions.